Occupational Hygiene – Stop. Act. Identify. Address.

On any site, at any time, you can find a range of hazards that could put you or your project at risk. Here our Senior Occupational Hygienist, Ash Boss walks us through the top risks you can find.

What are the basic principles all workers can do on site?

It is important that workers have a good understanding of their workplace as well as being able to identify hazards or potential hazards that they may find.

When they see a hazard, particularly a physical, chemical or biological risk, workers should speak up and report it to supervisors or site managers.

My message is never be afraid to report something that you have identified as a hazard or risk.

So what are your tips?

Stop – As soon as a risk is identified. Stop work

Act – Report it in immediately to your supervisor

Identify – Call in the professionals. Whether it is something that needs to be tested (like asbestos) or monitored, always call in an accredited consultant to advise

Address – Always follow the advice you receive from your occupational consultant

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